What We Do

5 Key Focus Areas: Fighting for Transgender Rights


Bring Visibility
To Aging Trans People

Transgender Stories

Suicide Prevention


Cloud Dancers is the legacy foundation of Robina Asti.

Cloud Dancers creates a wish fulfillment program that focuses on granting wishes to people, particularly seniors, who experience discrimination on the basis of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. The organization supports the LGBTQ+ community, particularly transgender seniors, by providing life-changing experiences for individuals, to positively impact wish recipients as well as their families, friends, donors, and community. The organization’s education outreach efforts will address the civil rights of the LGBTQ+ community and, in particular, the growing senior LGBTQ+ community, who increasingly face issues relating to challenging perceptions, aging, and social neglect.

Granting one heart-felt wish, and involving entire families and friends in the process, the Cloud Dancers is interested in re-empowering wish recipients, while energizing families and the community, through education and support for the individual. Cloud Dancers’ long-term Vision is to be able to fulfill every eligible wish and propagate joyful outcomes to an ever-wider community of participants and witnesses. Please see our detailed papers on Suicide Prevention (Download Now), Transgender Senior Isolation/Loneliness (Download Now), Transgender Experience in the Workplace (Download Now), and Transgender Representation in Media (Download Now).

Wishes Granted

“My life must be to make invisible people feel visible Robina on why she founded The Cloud Dancers Foundation.
Support the Cloud Dancers Foundation in granting extraordinary wishes to those who feel invisible, starting with transgender seniors in honor of our founder, Robina Asti.

Your gift can help grant a once-in-a-lifetime wish!

You can support LGBTQ+ seniors every month

Interested in partnering with Cloud Dancers Foundation? 

Cloud Dancers Foundation